Fun for kids! Japanese traditional games(oldschool toy).Find out on amazon and Mercari.

My son found the japanese old games in school.

My kids came across an oldschool (japanese traditional) game at school, and it's also very popular!
The winter break you've been waiting for! celebrating Christmas and New Year's. Every day is overflowing with excitement for kids.
And then we get winter vacation letters from kindergartens, nursery schools, and elementary schools.
In the letter, there are some promises for the winter vacation, and  One of the promises was "Let's try some old-fashioned games!
The children told me that they were able to borrow kendama, daruma-otoshi (dropping daruma dolls), oedama (beanbags), and ayatori (a game of cat's cradle) from school and enjoy them during break time!
There are days when they go out of the classroom to play outside, but now that elementary schools are air-conditioned, they borrow whatever they like and challenge themselves in the warmth of the classroom.
We happened to have one kendama in our house, about 40 years old but still in playable condition. Lucky!

However, my son also wanted a Daruma-drop, so we searched and searched on Amazon, which has everything, and on Mercari, where you can find good things at a good price if you are lucky...(new or 2nd hand.)

Search on Mercari

Here are many stuffs and conditions. please check the pages you like.

Search on Amazon

Click here! search pages "Daruma-drop" on Amazon!

So, I bought this "Daruma-drop"on Amazon.  Height about 20cm. Nice size. made by woods and painted.

how-to-play, let's go to Youtube and put on the window "Daruma-drop how to play" or "だるま落とし" in japanese.(←Copy&Paste!) searching by"だるま落とし" in japanese is better to meet more movies in Youtube. I think.

If you search for "oldschool (traditional) games," you will find many more.

It's a bit exciting for adults, too.

Jump to the search page for "oldschool (traditional) games" on Mercari!

If you buy a set of these, parents and children or brothers and sisters can have a lot of fun together!
Maybe you can take this with you when you go back to your home country. It might be a good time for grandparents to show off their skills.

Actually, even adults take it seriously!

Adults take these traditional toys quite seriously, too. Playing "ayatori" while recalling memories of the old days, playing kendama, which never went well in the old days and still doesn't go well today, and playing "daruma-drop" with a mallet, all while keeping a watchful eye on the game!

Even though it is a mild winter this year, it is still cold.

How about a winter vacation where you can play with traditional wooden toys that don't require electricity?

I think you can get a sense of spatial perception, how much force to put into it, and so on.
The kids also thought up their own ideas.
My oldest son is already better at Kendama than I!

  • B!